Friday, September 21, 2007

Let's call it "Apples with Cheese and Peanut Butter"

I bought apples at the farmer's market last Saturday, unsure of what I would do with them but fully committed to the Pants Off Cook Off regime. The problem is that on Wednesday night (the only night this week I was going to be home for dinner, and at a reasonable time) I 100% reverted to my natural state of eating, which is: wait until I'm really hungry to think about what to eat, then get the foodstuffs into my mouth as fast as possible. So, I cut up an apple and some slices of cheese, and opened a jar of peanut butter, and alternated apple-n-cheese, apple-n-peanut-butter. Trashy, yes, but still yumm, as my cat confirmed for me my licking the cheese.

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