Thursday, November 29, 2007

24- Hour Mac and Cheese

We spent Thanksgiving this year at my sister-in-law's family's house. This made me a bit grumpy, as I have gotten to be in charge of the turkey the last couple of years at my parent's house and have grown to like it that way. Alas, this year it was not to be. I had to choose just one dish this year.

I opted for a macaroni and cheese recipe I found in the Best American Recipes cookbook a few years back, because I am a sucker for kiddie food and because my mom made me make it. This recipe is really simple and revolves completely around what kind of cheese you use. It calls for gruyere, which is lovely to be sure. Another time, I made it with good old Wisconsin Swiss, which was better. I usually top it with some Reggiano. But this year, I got fancy at Whole Foods (mom was buying!) with a delectable Leerdammer Swiss and then topped it with one of my all-time-favorites, Fontina.

So, this is what you do: the day before your big meal, you par cook the macaroni -- like just before al dente. Then you grate up your cheese and mix it with the pasta along with an assload of heavy cream. Salt and fresh black pepper to taste. Then let it soak overnight. The pasta absorbs all that creaminess. When you're ready to eat it, dish it into a casserole dish and cover with your topping cheese. I think I cooked it at 350 for about 20 minutes or so.

I have no photographic evidence. But, trust me, it's good and it's really, really bad for you.

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